Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria



29 December 2017, Friday


Teddy land: LederhosenBrought me Lederhosen for after the holidays when I will be one or two sizes bigger.

Teddy land: LederhosenBut then Jim pulled some serious beer.... and I traded.

Teddy land: LederhosenTumbago as a fashionista

Published at 06:57 | 0 Comments
18 December 2017, Monday
12 December 2017, Tuesday

Kevin Peterson

Teddy Land: Kevin Peterson
Kevin Peterson, Coalition II
Used for the cover of "The Getaway" - Red Hot Chili Peppers album

Artist Statement:
My work is about the varied journeys we take through life. It’s about growing up and living in a world that is broken. These paintings are about trauma, fear and loneliness and the strength that it takes to survive and thrive. They each contain the contrast of the untainted, young and innocent against a backdrop of a worn, ragged, and defiled world. Support versus restraint, bondage versus freedom, and tension versus slack are all themes that I often visit. My work deals with isolation, loneliness and longing teamed with a level of optimistic hope. Issues of race and the division of wealth have arisen in my recent work. This work deals with the idea of rigid boundaries, the hopeful breakdown of such restrictions, as well as questions about the forces that orchestrate our behavior.

From the collection  Bears in Art

Published at 19:03 | 0 Comments
11 December 2017, Monday

Happy International Mountain Day

Teddy Land: Happy International Mountain Day

"These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb." ~ Najwa Zebian

Published at 16:01 | 0 Comments
10 December 2017, Sunday

The patio swing

Teddy Land: The patio swing

Once I stopped rushing through life, I was amazed how much more life I had time for.

Album  Las Vegas 2017-2018

Published at 18:36 | 0 Comments
24 November 2017, Friday

Living in the ghetto

Teddy Land: My 7th Birthday

Shit Bitch You Is Fine

Teddy Bears United

Published at 08:48 | 0 Comments
20 November 2017, Monday

The two Teddies who started it all

Teddy land: The two Teddies who started it all - Theodore Roosevelt and the first Teddy Bear

The two Teddies who started it all - Theodore Roosevelt and the first Teddy Bear

From the collection  Teddy Bears United

Published at 13:05 | 0 Comments

Teddy Bears and the Grown-Ups Who Love Them

Teddy land: Teddy Bears and the Grown-Ups Who Love Them

Sort of Cute, Sort of Creepy Teddy Bears and the Grown-Ups Who Love Them

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Medal of Honor recipient, New York City police commissioner, America's youngest president, Mount Rushmore visage, Dakota cowboy, trust-buster – Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, Jr., packed so much living into his 60 years on earth that the phrase "larger than life" sometimes seems to have been coined expressly for him.

But it's as the man who inspired a fluffy bedtime toy that Roosevelt left one of his most enduring legacies. On a hunting trip in 1902 (so the story goes) the young president refused to shoot a black bear – a refusal somewhat at odds with the man's well-earned reputation as a hunter who killed countless birds and beasts, without compunction, for decades. At any rate, a toymaker in New York learned of T.R.'s merciful moment and, inspired, created a toy bear – a "teddy bear." (Roosevelt, incidentally, always despised the name Teddy.) The bear was an immediate hit, and for the past century has remained one of the tried and true emblems of childhood.

In December 1970, LIFE featured a number of adults who, long years after their childhoods had ended, still retained a fondness for the fluffy companions of their youth. The resulting photos by Nina Leen are somehow sweet and, at the same time, just a little bit unsettling.

Time | Life magazine

Published at 11:22 | 0 Comments
12 November 2017, Sunday

Bummer Bear

Teddy Land: Bummer Bear

Bummer Bears - They feel your pain

New addition to our album  Teddy Bears United

Published at 13:46 | 0 Comments
11 November 2017, Saturday

May The Forest Be With You

Brand spanking new Guestbook!

Published at 11:02 | 0 Comments
8 November 2017, Wednesday

Gary Larson

Teddy land: Gary Larson learning bears language

Professor Wainwright's painstaking field research to decode the language of bears comes to a sudden and horrific end.

More  Bear Cartoons

Published at 14:36 | 0 Comments
5 November 2017, Sunday

Großes Wolfstal Rax

Teddy Land: Das Ottohaus auf der Rax

The last sunny day of 2017

Album  Großes Wolfstal Rax 2017

Published at 14:57 | 1 Comments
2 November 2017, Thursday
31 October 2017, Tuesday

Happy Halloween!

Teddy Land: Happy Halloween!

Zis is my castle and zis is my BEEtch.

Album  Vienna 2017

Published at 17:24 | 0 Comments
30 October 2017, Monday

Teddy land: Bear skeleton

Published at 17:28 | 0 Comments
13 October 2017, Friday

Three bears

Three black bears broke into a pizza shop, nabbing trays of dough and a chunk of salami before leaving. The tree bears broke into a window at front of the Colorado pizza shop. The trespassers chose their diet wisely. After August black bears enter "hyperphagia" and carbo-load to pack on pounds for hibernation. "Many bears actively forage up to 20 hours per day during the fall feeding frenzy," wildlife officials say. Restaurant staff "tossed product, sanitized, re-stoked," and were back open for business the next day. A few dough trays also had to be bent back into shape. "It was really fun to come into that one." Tony Francher co-owner of Antonio's Real New York Pizza

Published at 17:32 | 0 Comments
25 September 2017, Monday

Happy 6th Birthday Tumbago

Teddy land: Happy 6th Birthday Tumbago

Looks like pants and a cake become traditional for Tumbago's Birthdays.
Cheers to all our friends, wherever you are, whoever you are.

Celebrated at  Pilgramgasse

Teddy land: Tumbago 6th Birthday present - hangover drops

The birthday present - hangover drops. Thinking ahead.

Teddy land: Tumbago's passport

Published at 07:40 | 0 Comments
24 September 2017, Sunday


Teddy land: Krummbachstein

Rough terrain
Descent into the valley is not possible
Reichenau mountain rescue

Yeah, right

Album  Krummbachstein 2017

Published at 15:01 | 0 Comments
15 September 2017, Friday

... and when the bears find the ecstasy...

... and when the bears find the ecstasy...

Published at 17:52 | 0 Comments
10 September 2017, Sunday

Daniela Tieni

Teddy land: Daniela Tieni

From the collection  Bears in Art

Published at 15:42 | 0 Comments
3 September 2017, Sunday

Blue Bear grafitti

Teddy land: Rockabyebabymusic blue bear logo
the baby blue bear graffiti logo owned by rockabyebabymusic.com
although they don't seem to be using it anymore

Published at 08:39 | 0 Comments

I bet if I was a damn polar bear...

Teddy land: Janet, check with ethics to see whether it's ok to maul our creditors. - Chuck Ingwersen

More memes in our collection  Bear Cartoons & Memes

Published at 18:35
2 September 2017, Saturday

Tired Bear

Teddy land: Tired Bear logo
We absolutely this logo owned by tiredbear.co.uk

Published at 18:56 | 0 Comments

Chuck Ingwersen

Teddy land: Janet, check with ethics to see whether it's ok to maul our creditors. - Chuck Ingwersen

Teddy land: Honey, you've got to stop thinking that every sound you hear is a bear. - Chuck Ingwersen

More cartoons by Chuck Ingwersen in our collection  Bear Cartoons

Published at 17:24 | 0 Comments
31 August 2017, Thursday


Teddy Land: Sunset in Pirin

Sunset in Pirin

Album  Yalovarnika

Published at 09:22 | 0 Comments
27 August 2017, Sunday

The morning after

Teddy land: The morning after
Photo by Rangel Doychinov

From our collection  Buildings with Secrets

Published at 14:51
9 August 2017, Wednesday

Summer 2017

Teddy Land: Kamen Bryag

Roaming the beaches...

Album  Summer 2017

Published at 07:45 | 0 Comments
4 August 2017, Friday

Happy International Beer Day

Teddy Land: Two Beer or not to Bear

Two Beer or not to Bear - International Beer Day

Teddy Land: Don't leave any beer out. It will attract humans.

Don't leave any beer out. It will attract humans.

Album  Bear Cartoons

Published at 08:35 | 0 Comments
25 July 2017, Tuesday

Bear with me

Teddy land: Bear walking

Published at 14:03 | 0 Comments
20 July 2017, Thursday

Bears and music

Teddy land: Bear playing the piano

Teddy land: Bear playing the guitar

Published at 14:16 | 0 Comments
16 July 2017, Sunday

Best company for hiking

Teddy Land: Best company for hiking

Always hike with somebody in worse shape than you.
There's bears out there you know.

Album  Bear cartoons

Published at 13:17 | 1 Comments
15 July 2017, Saturday

Sebastien Millon

Teddy Land: Turn your thoughts into action - Sebastien Millon
Teddy Land: Concerned Drunky Bear - Sebastien Millon
Teddy Land: Drunky aviator bear - Sebastien Millon
Teddy Land: Happy Birthday Bears - Sebastien Millon
Teddy Land: There is only one drunky bear - Sebastien Millon

From the collection  Bear cartoons

Published at 15:27 | 0 Comments
14 July 2017, Friday

My 7th Birthday

Teddy Land: My 7th Birthday

I am having mixed feelings about this...

Album  Pilgramgasse

Published at 12:36 | 0 Comments

Furdryer for a birthday present

Teddy Land: Furdryer for my 7th Birthday

I don't like the way this Birthday is going. This turn not to be carrot cake but Moro soup, and my birthday present is a furdryer. Now, I have to get wet to use it, don't I? At least it is improvement from last year when they took me to the dry cleaner's.

Teddy Land: Carrots?
Teddy Land: Moro soup

Album  Pilgramgasse

Published at 12:26 | 0 Comments
12 July 2017, Wednesday

Giardia Lamblia

Teddy land: Giardia Lamblia
I am smiling from within :)

My duodenum became a shelter for these guys after less than a moth into our trip in India. It is characterized with explosive diarrhea, gases and losing control over any bodily functions and dignity. I took Metronidazole but most probably got infected again, because the symptoms persisted. It is only after I came back to Vienna that I realized the cosmic message I have been sent - I am full with smiley faces, maybe because I am so sulky. Can you freaking believe it that this is what lamblia looks like? I have been invaded by emoticons! Even my parasites are a joke. This is something you can imagine been infected by a clown, but beaver fever?

Some useful links:
My test results
Image source

Teddy land: Giardia Lamblia
Teddy land: Giardia Lamblia
Teddy land: Giardia Lamblia

Teddy land: Giardia Lamblia

Teddy land: Benjamin Franklin
Don't I know it

Published at 09:56 | 0 Comments
27 June 2017, Tuesday

Sikh khanda

Teddy Land: Sikh khanda

When I met Juri 12 years ago he gave me the Sikh khanda (see the pendant on the photo). I never put meaning into it till now. Feels as if a circle has closed. Note that Sikhism prohibits smoking, alcohol and the use of any intoxicants.

Album  India

Published at 09:34 | 0 Comments

Sat Shri Akaal!

Teddy Land: Amritsar, Golden Temple

Right after this photo was taken two sentinels confiscated the swords and escorted me out with the words "No more". I think he referred to the proclamation of the bears to be the 12 and 13th Sikh gurus.

Album  India

Published at 09:27 | 0 Comments
16 June 2017, Friday

Tashi delek

Teddy Land: Tibet, Land of the yaks

Tashi delek! Welcome to the Land of the yaks! Teddy Little Bear and Tumbago riding a baby yak.

Album  India

Published at 09:19 | 0 Comments
8 June 2017, Thursday


Teddy Land: Namaskar from Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh

Namaskar from Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh

Album  India

Published at 09:16 | 0 Comments
3 June 2017, Saturday

Rupin Pass

Teddy Land: Kinnaur Kailash seen from Rupin Pass

Kinnaur Kailash seen from Rupin Pass

Album  India

Published at 05:57 | 1 Comments
24 May 2017, Wednesday

Tracking the sources of Gang

Teddy Land: Karanprayag

Tracking the sources of Gang. Pindari joins Alaknanda in Karanprayag, continue as Alaknanda (the biggest of the two) in Rishikesh, big ayurveda na yoga center, and then in Haridwar the river becomes Gang. I feel the lens of my third eye widen, and so many chakras opened that is getting drafty in there. I am not sure if the wind I am passing is caused by the the opening of so many chakras at once or the Indian cuisine.

First trek from a 2 month adventure in  India

Published at 07:11 | 0 Comments
18 May 2017, Thursday

Nanda Devi

Teddy Land: Nanda Devi

Nanda Devi 7,816 m (25,643 ft) is my personal record for a highest mountain I've SEEN. It's the one on the right that always looks smaller than Nanda Devi East 7,434 m because it is always further behind and more secretive this way. Nanda Devi is not permitted to climb, permits are given only for Nanda Devi East but the goddess of the mountain is very proud and unforgiving, and there is a legend that men that go there end up in freak accidents without graves. If you have seen Polish Himalayas the members of the Polish expedition in 1939 to Nanda Devi East all perish two in mountaineering accidents years after and the third member disappeared during the war all three bodies not recovered. When we were the closest to the mountain she always shrouded herself in clouds and in the middle of the night at a sky full with stars Nanda Devi gave us the most incredible lightening show I have ever seen. It looks like we angered her.

First trek from a 2 month adventure in  India

Published at 09:15 | 0 Comments
5 May 2017, Friday


Teddy Land: India

Getting down and dirty in  India

Published at 11:28 | 1 Comments
1 May 2017, Monday

Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh

Hap hazard plan for the trip. It looks like someone quite inebriated is trying to draw a heart.

1 May Vienna- Amsterdam - Delhi
2 -3 May Delhi
4 May Delhi - Almora (bus)
6 May Almora - Munsiyari (bus)
7 May Munsiyari (permit)
8 -14 May Munsiyari - Leelam - Martoli - Milam (roundtrip trek)
15 May Munsiyari
16 May Munsiyari - Kapkot -Loharkhet (bus)
17-21 May Loharkhet - Pindari Glacier (roundtrip trek)
22 May Loharkhet - Gwaldham - Lohajung (bus)
23-29 May Lohajung - Roopkund lake - Kuanri pass - Auli (trek)
30-31 May Joshinath - Dehradun (bus)
1-2 June Dehradun (gas)
3 June Dehradun - Uttarkashi (permit) - Gangotri (bus)
5-6 June Gangotri - Kedar Lake (roundtrip trek)
7 June Gangotri - Harsil (bus)
8-13 June Harsil - Kyarkoti lake - Lamkhaga pass - Dhumti -Chitkul (trek)
15-18 June Chitkul - Charang pass - Charang - Lambar - Reckong Peo (trek)
19 June Reckong Peo - Kalpa (permit)
20 June Reckong Peo - Kaza (bus)
22 June Kaza - Mud (bus)
24 June - 1 July Mud - Pin Parbati pass -Barshaini road/Pulga (trek)
2 July Barshaini road/Pulga - Delhi (bus)
3 July Delhi
4 July Delhi - Amsterdam - Vienna
Published at 12:55 | 0 Comments

Garhwal Himalayas

1 May - 4 July

Shivling mountain in the western Garhwal Himalaya, photo by Jonas Erlandsson

✈ Wien (VIE) 1 May 9:25
KL 1840
Amsterdam (AMS) 11:15
Teddy Land: KLM
✈ Amsterdam (AMS) 1 May 14:25
KL 871
New Delhi (DEL) 2 May 1:40
Teddy Land: KLM

✈ New Delhi (DEL) 4 Jul 3:40
KL 872
Amsterdam (AMS) 8:30
Teddy Land: KLM
✈ Amsterdam (AMS) 4 Jul 11:45
KL 1845
Wien (VIE) 13:30
Teddy Land: KLM
Published at 16:59 | 0 Comments
23 April 2017, Sunday

Happy World Book Day

Teddy Land: Happy World Book Day by Chris Riddel

By Chris Riddel
Official site of the event

Published at 16:42 | 0 Comments
17 April 2017, Monday

Easter morning - let it be light

Teddy Land: Gießener Hütte

Greeting Eastern morning with Juri, Emo and little Martin Stanev at  Gießener Hütte

Published at 12:22 | 0 Comments
11 April 2017, Tuesday

Bee my guest

Teddy Land: Zombee

I was just getting the party started when this bee landed on Tumbago's nose, crawled to his ear, whispered something intimately for quite some time, and then expired. We can only guess her demise because Tumbago is referring to bear-bee confidentiality of confession.

Teddy Land: Zombee
Teddy Land: Buzzin
Teddy Land: Bear Honey Bee Party
Teddy Land: Crazy Bee
Published at 10:06 | 0 Comments

Hug me, I am vaccinated!

Teddy Land: Hug me I am vaccinated

My immunization passport is 3 volumes with a fold out for the rabies series of shots.

Published at 10:00 | 0 Comments
10 April 2017, Monday

Hippo Ballerina

Teddy Land: The Hippo Ballerina, New York, photo by Iliyana Nikolova

Hippo Ballerina, New York, photo by Iliyana Nikolova

From our collection  Buildings with Secrets

Published at 10:52 | 0 Comments
9 April 2017, Sunday

Bears Gone Bad

Teddy Land: Gimme your honey... And stop laughing!

Gimme your honey... And stop laughing!

Published at 09:13 | 0 Comments
8 April 2017, Saturday

Geoffrey Gersten

Teddy Land: Geoffrey Gersten

From the collection  Bears in Art

Published at 10:32 | 0 Comments
7 April 2017, Friday

What doesn't kill you...

Teddy Land: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... Except for bears... Bears will kill you.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... Except for bears... Bears will kill you.

More  Bear Cartoons

Published at 21:04 | 0 Comments
28 March 2017, Tuesday

Himalayas (a déjà vu)

In the 1 year anniversary of our cancelled trip to Sumatra it is all happening again:

  1. We bought tickets for 2 month dream trip starting May 1st.
    2016 - Sumatra / 2017 - Indian Himalayas
  2. Juri is on the verge of exaction and desperation after continuous home renovation. He gets to the point of falling unconscious rather than asleep at night.
    2016 - new kitchen for his father / 2017 - painting and refurbishing one of the apartments
  3. The annual grill party on Danube is on same date every year - 4 days before the departure. Bulgarians gather, barbecue and drink on the bank of Danube river.
  4. Drago is coming to Vienna. He has birthday a couple of days before the grill and brings good alcohol to celebrate. Drago is a very good friend but it just so happens to be always present when Juri breaks a bone. In 2008 Drago started a brawl in Kabata hut in Rhodopes mountains where Juri got 3 ribs fractured trying to break up the fight with the locals.

Last year I packed 4 beers for the grill and Juri asked why am I taking so much alcohol. I said: "What do you mean?" Juri is a designated firestarter. Everybody knows (including him) that he can't lit a campfire in the wilderness for the love of his life, but at the grill the party begins earlier for him, he gets all smoked up, and the beers were finished before the meаt was on the grill. Then he continued with wine, vodka and the whiskey Drago brought. On the question did he need a ride home Juri answered that he is going to get on his "silver horse". He fell of the bike and broke his right collar bone in three pieces the middle one floating, so he had to be operated on. I dare not publish any of his X-rays because the EU is going to knock on my door asking for €10 000 000 or 2% of my turnover, whichever is greater according to the effective 2018 General Data Protection Regulation.

We tried to get the flight ticket reimbursed due to emergency cancellation but Fluege.de had bigger fish to fry. I still think our money was in the suitcase found in the wreckage.

Teddy Land: Sumatra cancelled

Teddy Land: Drago at Vienna grill

Drago at the Vienna grill

Published at 11:24 | 0 Comments
27 March 2017, Monday

Soon the journey will begin

Teddy Land: Soon the journey will begin

Vienna 2017

Published at 07:02 | 0 Comments

Cloud Bear

Teddy Land: Cloud Bear

Our site is going on a cloud

Published at 20:25 | 0 Comments
20 March 2017, Monday

Is It Spring Yet?

Teddy Land: Is It Spring Yet?

A Bear Needs Its Coffee

Teddy Land: Black Bear Brews

Teddy Land: A Bear Needs Its Coffee

Teddy Land: Black Bear Coffee Co.

Published at 13:32 | 0 Comments
17 March 2017, Friday

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.

Published at 15:56 | 0 Comments

World Sleep Day

Teddy Land: World Sleep Day

I have two delegates » worldsleepday.org

Published at 08:19 | 0 Comments
12 March 2017, Sunday

Full Moon

Teddy Land: Moonlighters by Robert Bissell

Moonlighters by Robert Bissell

From the collection  Bears in Art

Published at 13:57 | 0 Comments
8 March 2017, Wednesday

Happy 8th of March

Teddy Land: Happy 8th of March

Published at 11:52 | 0 Comments
4 March 2017, Saturday

Happy Teddy Name Day

Teddy Land: Happy Teddy Name Day

Published at 08:48 | 0 Comments
1 March 2017, Wednesday

Happy 1st of March

Teddy Land: Happy 1st of March

Teddy Land: Shean the Sheep
Teddy Land: Shean the Sheep

... with Shaun the Sheep

From the collection "Pilgramgasse"

Published at 10:04 | 0 Comments

Teddy Land: The Marmots are out!

The Marmots are out

Published at 18:53 | 0 Comments

Teddy Land: Sergey Elkin - Bears in March

Bears in March wake up in their dens and start planting snowdrops. ~ Cartoon by Sergey Elkin

More  Bear Cartoons

Published at 13:50 | 0 Comments
23 February 2017, Thursday

In search of a dwelling in the mountains

Teddy Land: Aflenz

Album  Aflenz - Thörl

Published at 11:36 | 0 Comments
18 February 2017, Saturday

Birthday party

Teddy Land: Carefree bear

It is Zhoro's Birthday! We are going to a party tonight.

Published at 09:09 | 2 Comments
17 February 2017, Friday

Time to fasten the seat belts

Teddy Land: Time to fasten the seat belts

From the collection  Airborne

Published at 09:47 | 0 Comments
16 February 2017, Thursday

Edith Lebeau

Teddy Land: Edith Lebeau

From the collection  Bears in Art

Published at 09:13 | 0 Comments
24 January 2017, Tuesday

The Teddy Bear Project

Teddy Land: The Teddy Bear Project
“The Keeper” exhibition September 2016, The New Museum in New York

Ydessa Hendeles has collected 3000 photographs that only have in common the presence of a teddy bear, the quintessential transitional object for generations of children. The amateur photographs, found mostly on eBay, are arranged in order of posture and social status and are framed and hung from floor to ceiling.

As the artist herself writes “The collection is a reflection of the values of society at the time the photographs were taken. It is notable not only for what it includes but for what is absent. Only one photograph of a child with Down Syndrome was discovered, and only one portrait of a child with a cleft palate.”

“It ends up being about more than the bears themselves,” said Emily Mello, the museum’s associate director of education said, about “how people choose to frame themselves with the bears.” Visitors, she added, can “see how one common object is an entry point for an infinite number of histories.”

Although those histories can be tragic — the teddy bear owners include future Holocaust victims and at least one suicide — others reflect only youthful joy. And while young museumgoers probably won’t recognize Elvis, Ringo or Lucille Ball in their photos, they’ll see that grown-ups posed with teddy bears, too.

Sources: NY Times, Collectibledry

My Keepers

Teddy Land: My Keepers
Teddy Land: My Keepers
Published at 10:47
23 January 2017, Monday

Star Wars

Teddy Land: Star Wars

Published at 18:45 | 0 Comments
20 January 2017, Friday

Terracotta Warriors

More photos from Chinanews.com
Teddy bear "Terracotta Warriors" are seen at an exhibition in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, May 15, 2016. More than 500 hand-made teddy bear terracotta figures made their first appearance at the exhibition on Sunday.

Source ChinaDaily

Published at 21:26
13 January 2017, Friday

Gary Larson and The Far Side

Teddy Land: And now Edgar's gone. ... Something's going on around here.
And now Edgar's gone. ... Something's going on around here.
Teddy Land: I lift, you grab... was that concept just a little too complex, Carl?
I lift, you grab... was that concept just a little too complex, Carl?
Teddy Land: Oh hey! I just love these things!... Crunchy on the outside and chewy center!
Oh hey! I just love these things!... Crunchy on the outside and chewy center!
Teddy Land: And no one ever heard from the Anderson brothers again.
And no one ever heard from the Anderson brothers again.

More  Bear Cartoons

Published at 17:02
9 January 2017, Monday

Bearly believable

Photo Copyright AlamyCreature of comfort: A third of British adults still sleep with a teddy bear

When Sebastian Flyte took his teddy bear Aloysius to university in Brideshead Revisited it was supposed to be a sign of his eccentricity. But in the years since the 1980s TV dramatization, it seems more and more Britons have come to see nothing wrong with keeping ted in the bed. More than a third of us still hug a childhood soft toy while falling asleep, according to a survey of 6,000 British adults.

More than half of Britons still have a teddy bear from childhood and the average teddy bear is 27 years old. Those who slept with a teddy told researchers that they found it was a comforting and calming way to de-stress at the end of the day. And 25 per cent of men polled said they took their teddy away with them on business because it reminded them of home. Even Prince Charles travels everywhere with his childhood teddy, according to claims in a book by the U.S. writer Christopher Andersen.

Hotel chain Travelodge, which carried out the research, said that in the past year staff have reunited more than 75,000 teddies and their owners. Spokesman Shakila Ahmed said: ‘Interestingly the owners have not just been children, we have had a large number of frantic businessmen and women call us regarding their forgotten teddy bear.’

Source DailyMail

Published at 18:15 | 0 Comments
7 January 2017, Saturday

The Molar Bear

Teddy Land: The Molar Bear - Fighting Against Enamel CrueltyFighting Against Enamel Cruelty

More  Bear cartoons

Published at 16:17 | 0 Comments
6 January 2017, Friday

Bear & Deer Pun

Teddy Land: - I'll fight you with my bear hands! - Oh deer.- I'll fight you with my bear hands! - Oh deer.

More  Bear cartoons

Published at 16:06 | 0 Comments
3 January 2017, Tuesday

Tim Burton

Teddy Land: Unwisely, Santa offered a teddy bear to James, unaware that he had been mauled by a grizzly earlier that year. (Tim Burton)Unwisely, Santa offered a teddy bear to James, unaware that he had been mauled by a grizzly earlier that year.

More  Bear cartoons

Published at 15:49 | 0 Comments
2 January 2017, Monday

P!nk - Get The Party Started

We'll be lookin' flashy in my Mercedes Benz

P!nk is added to  Teddy Bears United

Published at 14:11 | 0 Comments


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