Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
the day i met teddy for the first time
cosy home february outside
after a few glimpses of spring
cold winter is back
following my hardly pushing inner voice
to take a walk to gloriette
i finally try a first step out of the house
leaving doggy in bed
he is like me
not yet
full recovered
i enjoy the fresh air
yet i am glad to wear glasses
and a soft hood
my eyes and head
feel fragile
first i give it a slow going start
yet while arriving at schönbrunn
and walking through the gate
i already feel much better
i enjoy the walk
taking deep breaths
of nature
fresh air for the mind
i like those statues
and figures of stone
that you come to meet
like stations
they are telling stories
and if you lend them your ear
turn out to be
gifts from above
this day after about ten minutes of walking
i come to see a woman nearby
arranging two little teddybears
on a stonefigure and taking pictures of them
this could be me
is my first thought
and i stop by to say hello
hello to teddy
she told me her story
and i told her mine
showing ears we share a lot
i am really happy coincidenced :-)
i know that
meeting teddy
on this special day
was a turning point for me
and i thank god
and the universe
after weeks of deep depression
going through a dark night of soul
which does not come once a year but
once in five to seven years
my inspiration is back
and next comes spring
i feel alive again
and i love it
joy is back
the first moves
are on their way
“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.”
― Voltaire
I was told to start eating gummy bears because they are made of gelatin obtained from animal by-products (bones, hoofs, horns). Freaky. That makes me a... cannibal!
Tomorrow is my operation at Herz-Jesu Krankenhaus. They will remove an implant from my elbow put there in Kuala Lumpur. The implant is showing over the skin and I look like Robocop.
Getting ready for the postoperative snuggle. The first three photos are how I imagined my bath will be. Then comes the reality check. Not so bad sharing a laundry bucket with your closest oversized friend, and then be suspended from a closet hanger for a day. Now I smell of roses - so humiliating for a Little Bear in the middle of a hibernating season. But I have to go to a hospital soon. One implant from Kuala Lumpur has broken through the skin and needs to be removed. Hope this is not going to compromise the construction I have inside my elbow.