Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
This puppy (Airbus A380-800) has 3 cameras - nose, tail and bottom and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in flight. No entertainment needed. The two photos are from the tail.
Album Airborne
Tumbago is on a parole and TLB is his parole officer.
Choosing the mode of transportation.
Album Las Vegas 2018
Tumbago mugshot
Delta offered me to check the hand luggage and since I had 8 hours to kill in Amsterdam - I agreed. This was a precedent for TLB to travel in the cargo. Unfortunately the cargo was honey. Not after we arrived in Vegas it wasn't. Tumbago was pulled from the airplane under the influence and disorderly.
Tumbago Jailbear
Album Las Vegas 2018
First time shooting in my life. I am natural.
I wonder what else that I haven't tried I could be good at.
Album Las Vegas 2018
Great people @ The Range 702
It's a new day, and the begging of a new adventure.
Delta offered me to check the hand luggage and since I had 8 hours to kill in Amsterdam - I agreed. This was a precedent for TLB to travel in the cargo. He is outraged. I am sure I will be hearing from the legal team.
Album Airborne
Today is my birthday. Not los peluches, but mine. Life has never been better!
Pay no attention to that (wo)man behind the curtain!
Album Pilgramgasse
Darn it, I know better than to have a cup of coffee after October. ~ by Dave Coverly
More Bear Cartoons
Canadian neurosurgeon Dr Daniel McNeely operating on Little Baby bear
A Canadian surgeon has performed a daring experimental procedure without anesthetic - on a teddy bear. Although he had no prior experience with stuffed-bear medicine, Dr Daniel McNeely agreed to operate at the request of the cuddly toy's owner. Jackson McKie, eight, was heading into surgery when he asked the doctor if he could also fix his bear Little Baby. Jackson has a brain condition, and Dr McNeely has been one of his primary neurosurgeons since birth. "How could I say no?" Dr McNeely tweeted along with pictures of the bear operation. The tweet has since been shared almost 13,000 times.
He diagnosed the toy with a tear in the underarm, and gave the bear an "oxygen mask" during the procedure. Little Baby - who is always at Jackson's side - was able to grin and bear it. Both patients are recovering after successful procedures. Jackson suffers from hydrocephalus, an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Dr McNeely, who works at IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was repairing a shunt. The small tube helps drain the fluid from Jackson's brain and release pressure.
Source: BBC
Jackson McKie reunited with his beloved Little Baby bear after the surgery at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax
Jackson McKie, 8, of Summerside asked his pediatric neurosurgeon to repair his ailing bear. A Halifax pediatric neurosurgeon had his skills put to the test when a young patient asked him to take on a double surgery and repair his ripped teddy bear. Jackson McKie, 8, of Summerside, P.E.I., was having a shunt repaired last week at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. He brought his trusty friend, Little Baby, along for the journey. "It's his best buddy," said his father, Rick McKie. The bear was given to the family when they went to get an ultrasound to find out the sex of their baby.
"When he was born, he had it ever since with him. Through thick or thin." But the inseparable duo were both under the weather. Jackson, who has hydrocephalus, was suffering from bad headaches. Little Baby was diagnosed with a tear of the underarm. As the pair went into the operating room, Jackson made the surprise request. His surgeon, Dr. Daniel McNeely, happily obliged.
"There's always a few stitches that are left over from the case itself and they normally get disposed of," said the physician, who got to work on Little Baby as soon as Jackson was stitched up, making sure to give the bear "oxygen" and monitor his vitals.
McNeely says kids often bring stuffed animals into the operating room for comfort, but the request for the dual operation was a first.Despite his lack of experience with bear cubs, McNeely said he "wasn't too worried" about having the appropriate qualifications. He happily reported both procedures were successful.
When Jackson woke up, he was over the moon, said his father. "He was so proud. He had Little Baby laying up in the hospital bed with him and everything." McKie said he was amazed and thankful that the surgeon went out of his way to grant Jackson's request. "It made us feel better about being there."
McNeely decided to post the photos, the first time the surgeon has ever tweeted. The reaction has been contagious, with people overwhelmed by his act of kindness. "It's not what I was looking for," McNeely said of his newfound fame. "I just thought I might make some people smile somewhere."
The McKie family has printed off photos of the second surgery, so Jackson now has framed copies. His father said Jackson's on the mend but has some emotional moments. As for Little Baby's recovery: "He's coming around. According to Jackson, he's a little moody, too."
Source: CBC
Full album Sulawesi, Indonesia 2012
Coldn't turn the page of the calendar in Rottenmann without adding El Virtuoso to our collection of great bears.
Album Teddy Bears United
Today is Tumbago's 7th and Juri's 50th birthdays. Friday was the last sunny day in Vienna for the season, so a flash mob birthday event spontaneously happened in AKH Vienna courtyard - friends with birthdays around this date celebrating. Pepa made a cake. Evgeni gave Tumbago Cohiba cigarillos.
The birthday girl and boys are Petya (40), Tumbago (7), Emo (43) and Juri (50), Tumbago and Juri being born the closest to the date.
Juri got new socks, shoes and a walker, so he can continue carrying us around the world.
I wanted to bundle this with an adult diaper, but Juri objected that this is adding to the weight of the backpack and besides since
Tumbago passport
Before humans arrive and come to destroy nature, legend has it that the bears gathered at the top of the hill to elect their leader who was always a female. ~ Fabien Barrau
Album Bears in Art
Comfort Inn. Now Pet Friendly! Except for Bears. We are not making that mistake again.
From our collection Buildings with Secrets
Bärndorf means Bear village. Teddy Bear in German is Teddy Bär, now how cool is that. I feel more at home with every passing day.
This is different Berndorf but we find the coat or arms rather awesome - a bear with a spoon!
Almost Gone with the Wind
Tumbago (aka Dzibelia) is thinking "Should I stay or should I go..."
Album Rottenmann
We heard that there are no bears in the Alps and we thought that's a shame, so we moved in to roam the Alps.
Album Rottenmann
This Winky Bear is entirely made with CSS by Anastasia Goodwin
Dzibelia is chained around his neck so he doesn't get blown away.
Behind the bears is a memorial plaque to all mountaineers that fell in the mountain (didn't chain properly like us).
Unseren gefallenen
zum Gedenken
In memory of
our fallen
mountaineer friends
Album Rottenmann
We bought us a house in Rottenmann.
A healthy colony of bats is indicative of a well balanced ecosystem in the Alps.
We have been warned not to leave the windows open at night.
I found the text under the picture in German and used Google to translate. It said that the villagers got hammered and tried to torch the city on 4th of July 1679, gracefully intervened by the deities. I asked Juri if we are moving intentionally in sanctuary of drunks. Juri said that Google translates LIGHTENING like HAMMERING.
Rottenmann is a town in Styria in Austria, near the Rottenmanner Tauern. Rottenmann was first referred to in an document in 927. It received its town charter in 1279 from King Rudolf von Habsburg.
I almost died in Sulawesi, Indonesia, when I was 2.
Album Sulawesi 2012
The boy who cried "no brakes"
German price for online communication in the category "Multichannel communication"
Album Teddy Bears United
Album Schladminger Tauern 2015
Baba Marta (Nikolas) came in Vienna this yearagain! It's a tradition to have him bring us gifts for March 1st.
This year he brought us Poire Williams - the brandy that grows on trees.
It is my namesake today. It is custom to ride a horse. Dzibelia is not very sure about this...
Here we are in Refugio de Siscaro in the Pyrenees in 2013
Album Trans Pyrenees 2013
Riding a bull in Martoli, Uttarakhand, India
Album India, The Himalayas 2017
Riding a baby yak in Mudh, Pin valley, Himachal Pradesh, India
Album India, The Himalayas 2017
Riding a turkey in Cuispes, Chachapoyas, Peru
Album South America 2014
Riding a cow in Schladminger Tauern, Austrian Central Alps
Album Schladminger Tauern 2015
It's not not spring yet. I just need to go to the toilet.
Snowdrops in February, ohoto by Anton Donchev
Bears are getting busy early this year ~ Cartoon by Sergey Elkin
More Bear Cartoons
On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of 9 hikers in the Urals mountains 59 years ago.
Read more the most infamous cold case that took place in the mountains.
Trek to Sheepbone and Quarry Canyons near Lake Mead. We scrambled up the Sheepbone canyon and rapped down the Quarry canyon. The trail was marked with sheep bones - surprise, surprise! Best Martin Luther King's day!
Album Sheepbone Canyon