Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria



10 December 2023, Sunday

I want some of that magic powder

Bears purring thanks to Single Vision, Inc.

Published at 18:47 | 0 Comments
4 October 2023, Wednesday

Berg Heil


Rotgschirr 2261m


Album  Totes Gebirge 2023

Published at 16:47 | 0 Comments
27 September 2023, Wednesday
25 September 2023, Monday

Happy Birthday Tumbago!

Teddy Land: Tumbago passport

Teddy Land: Happy Birthday Tumbago!

At this point Tumbago is not telling his age only his birthday wishes (below)!

Teddy land: Bee motorcycle

Teddy Land: Happy Birthday Tumbago!

Published at 10:13 | 0 Comments
15 September 2023, Friday

Potato salad

Teddy Land: Potato salad


Album  Bears Cartoons

Published at 08:46 | 0 Comments
12 September 2023, Tuesday

Wojtek - the soldier bear

Wojtek - the soldier bear


Album  Wojtek

Wojtek (Voytek) was a bear cub found in Iran in 1942 and adopted by soldiers of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps. Soldiers fed him with condensed milk from an emptied vodka bottle. The bear was subsequently fed with fruit, marmalade, honey and syrup, and was often rewarded with beer, which became his favorite drink. he also enjoyed smoking and eating cigarettes.

Over the long journey from Iran to Palestine, the bear quickly became the unofficial mascot of the 22nd company. The bear would sit around the campfire with the men, eating, drinking, and sleeping in the tents with the rest of the soldiers. He enjoyed wrestling (obviously no one had any chance with him) and was taught to salute when greeted. When the motorized convoy was on the move, Wojtek sat in the passenger's seat of the jeeps, hanging his head out of the window and shocking people walking on the street.

The problem, however, was that British High Command did not allow any pets or animals in their camp, so the Polish Army formally enlisted Wojtek into their ranks. He was given the rank of Private (at the end of the war, his rank was corporal), assigned a serial number, and from that point on he was included in all official rosters.

The Pole's Finest Hour of the war came in the battle for Monte Cassino. The campaign was proving to be one of the bloodiest battles of the Western Front, and the Poles were brought in to make the final push to capture the fortress. During the fighting, Wojtek actually hand-carried boxes of ammunition, some weighing in at over 100 pounds, from supply trucks to artillery positions on the front lines. His actions were so inspiring to his fellow soldiers that after the battle the official insignia of the 22nd Artillery was changed to a picture of Wojtek carrying an armful of howitzer ammunition.

After the war, some elements of the polish Army, including Wojtek, were reassigned to Scotland, since Poland was under USSR control, and many polish soldiers did not like the prospect of living in a Soviet-run police state. Wojtek lived out the rest of his days in the Edinburgh Zoo. He always perked up when he heard the Polish language spoken by zoo guests, and during his life in there he was always being visited by his old friends from the Polish Army - some of whom would throw cigarettes down into his open arms, some of whom would even jump into the bear enclosure and wrestle with him for old time's sake.

The bear was a hero of World War II, and there are statues of him and plaques memorializing his brave service in Poland, Edinburgh, the Imperial Museum in London, and the Canadian War Museum.

He passed away in 1963, at the age of 22.

Published at 07:38 | 0 Comments

Fake photos of Wojtek

A fake Wojtek photo, once more it seem as if he was on the German side, not the Polish.
If you're going to make a fake Wojtek photo, at least get the soldiers he was with right!   → Wikipedia
Source: Fake History

Fake Wojtek photo
Original photo


Published at 07:37 | 0 Comments
3 September 2023, Sunday

My Bear Story

Bear © Luka Esenko

During the expedition to the Dyatlov Pass 2023 I managed to get lost in the woods and meet face to face with a brown Russian bear and her three cubs. The bear had been chased by dogs in the deep forest and while I was dwelling as a real Mansi (the word Mansi means forest dweller), I experienced a close encounter of the third kind with the king of the Taiga. The Bear is considered the most powerful creature of the Ural mountains. A mama bear with cubs is not something you want to run into. I count my blessings.
This is not "my bear" but it is the closest to what I saw that I could find. Anyone that would take a selfie in the situation I was in, deserves to be eaten as a Darwin process of elimination. This bear was shot by Luka Esenko in Slovenia. And this is   My Bear Story →

Published at 08:02 | 0 Comments
2 September 2023, Saturday

Nojer 2023

We had to cast a bullet for Tumbago (aka Dzibelia) because he gets startled during the hunting season.


Nojer 1492 m
Nojer 1492 m


Album  Nojer 2023

Published at 12:24 | 0 Comments
30 August 2023, Wednesday

Hochreichart 2023

Dough bowl natural formation
Dough bowl natural formation

The "Dogh Bowl" is a natural formation caused by glacial water. Tumbago (aka Dzibelia) could have helped the process by scraping the bowl full of honey with a spoon. Read more →


Hochreichart 2416 m
Hochreichart 2416 m


Album  Hochreichart 2023

Published at 07:21 | 0 Comments
25 May 2023, Thursday

BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse

Teddy Land: BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse

Early start on the Memorial Day Weekend! @ BJs

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 01:03 | 0 Comments
23 May 2023, Tuesday

Treasure Island

Teddy Land: Treasure Island

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 15:09 | 0 Comments
14 May 2023, Sunday

Bears R Us

This one, I chose this one.

Published at 19:54 | 0 Comments
3 May 2023, Wednesday

Beer Fest

Teddy Land: Beer Fest

Revelations of the day by Tumbago: Peanut butter doesn't get stuck on the roof of your mouth if you drink it!

Rasputin - Russian Imperial Stout

Teddy Little Bear wants to be called Rasputin since he doesn't like taking baths either. And it's his #1 beer.

Delirium Belgian Ale

My favorite

Delirium Belgian Ale

When the coffee is not enough I hit my head on a pool.

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 04:18 | 0 Comments
28 April 2023, Friday

Welcome to the neigh-bear-hood!

Just passing through, minding my own business.

Published at 19:35 | 0 Comments

In Vegas we salt margaritas, not sidewalks

Teddy Land: At Pancho's

At Pancho's with Cheryl and Davide

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 04:01 | 0 Comments
27 April 2023, Thursday

Wake up!

Teddy Land: Wake up!

When the coffee is not enough I hit my head on a pool.

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 16:07 | 0 Comments
24 April 2023, Monday

Guns & Roses

Teddy Land: Vegas 2023 Guns

Who has the real one?


Teddy Land: Vegas 2023 Roses

Album  Vegas 2023

Published at 03:27 | 0 Comments
20 April 2023, Thursday


Teddy Land: Pawel Kuczynski


Album  Bears Cartoons

Published at 21:13 | 0 Comments
19 April 2023, Wednesday

Eurowings Discover

Teddy land: Flying over Zion

Flying over Zion

Album  Airborne

Published at 20:25 | 0 Comments
3 April 2023, Monday

Watch out for airplanes

Teddy Land: Watch out for airplanes
We have airstrip in our back yard

Album  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 12:41 | 0 Comments
2 April 2023, Sunday

Palm Sunday

Teddy Land: Palm Sunday

Album  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 12:38 | 0 Comments
29 March 2023, Wednesday

Mödlinger Hütte

Teddy Land: Mödlinger Hütte
Wind doesn't scare us

Album  Mödlinger Hütte 2023

Published at 14:38 | 0 Comments
27 March 2023, Monday

Rainbow over Gaishorn

Teddy Land: Rainbow over Gaishorn

Album  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 14:46 | 0 Comments
22 March 2023, Wednesday

Gaishorn from above

Teddy Land: Gaishorn from above

Album  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 14:43 | 0 Comments
14 March 2023, Tuesday

С Днем Рождения Артёмка!

Today is the birthday of the nicest person in the world, someone I would trust entirely to go to the end of the world with. Last year this happened to be the Dyatlov Pass.

Andrey Milyutin, Valentina Palkina, Teodora Hadjiyska and Artyom Palkin

Andrey Milyutin, Valentina Palkina, Teodora Hadjiyska and Artyom Palkin

Artyom Palkin, Valentina Palkina, Teodora Hadjiyska and Andrey Milyutin

Artyom Palkin, Valentina Palkina, Teodora Hadjiyska and Andrey Milyutin

Andrey Milyutin, Tumbago, Teddy Little Bear and Artyom Palkin

Andrey Milyutin, Tumbago, Teddy Little Bear and Artyom Palkin

Album  Journey to the Dyatlov Pass July-August 2022

Published at 09:37 | 0 Comments
9 March 2023, Thursday

Gaishorn church

Teddy Land: All that is left from the priest
All that is left from the priest

Album  Buildings with Secrets and  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 12:30 | 0 Comments
4 March 2023, Saturday

For Teddy's Namesake Day

Teddy land: Honig Kehre

Honig Kehre

Album  Honig Kehre 2023

Published at 12:36 | 0 Comments
16 February 2023, Thursday

Kin Dza Dza

Teddy Land: Kuzmich aka Ku
Kuzmich aka Ku arrived from planet Pluke in the Kin-Dza-Dza galaxy

Album  Vienna 2023

Published at 18:47
14 February 2023, Tuesday

Happy Valentine's Day

Teddy land: Happy Valentine's Day with Evan B. Stone and Josh Gates

Happy Valentine's Day with Evan B. Stone and Josh Gates

Album  Expedition Unknonw 2019

Published at 16:48 | 0 Comments
1 January 2023, Sunday

Gaishorn, in time for the New Year

Teddy land: Gaishorn, in time for the New Year

Out with the old, in with the new! Happy New Year to everyone!

Album  Gaishorn 2023

Published at 19:51 | 0 Comments


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