Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
This flight will be very pleasant thanks to Dr. Touraj Habashi
O crap, my passport is expired...
Dracula: What am I supposed to do with him, I don't eat beans*.
*Teddy Little Bear is a beanie bear
Two years ago, Wang Kayui, of Yunnan, China, adopted two black bears, except he thought they were puppies. His new pets were frequently groomed and well trained. Kayui, clearly an inexperienced pet owner, thought it was odd when the puppies started to hunt chickens and reached more than 100 pounds, but didn’t think much of it. He wanted two guard dogs, and his pups scared off unwanted visitors like he’d never seen before. You would think that the lack of tail-chasing, barking, and leash-walking should have given away the animals’ true identity, but it wasn’t until he received a pamphlet on endangered animals that he realized that his puppies were actually Asian black bears. Kayui was shocked that his well-behaved, slightly large guard dogs were bears. He did the right thing and called the local authorities. The bears were sent to Yunnan Wild Animal Rescue Center, where they currently reside.
In the region of Kapandriti near Athens, a wonderful thing happens. Ten years ago, a devout beekeeper named Isidoros Ţiminis, thought to place in one of his hives an icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord. Soon thereafter, when he opened the hive, he was amazed that the bees showed respect and devotion to the icon, having "embroidered" it in wax, yet leaving uncovered the face and body of the Lord. Since then, every spring, he puts into the hives icons of the Savior, the Virgin Mary and the Saints, and the result is always the same.
Special gift - car crushing with an Abrams for $3,500, or with a T-55 for $2,500
You can get you wife in the car for a photo before you proceed with the gift.