Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
or how the bears got their medals "Brave Heart". Not your winter way to Hochschwab. Last 50m will forever be called Ron's Steps. The rest is something like "Koteshnkia chal" in Pirin, Bulgaria - 50 cm wide ridge with drops on both sides. What you see on the photo is the side where Juri said is better to fall if you have the luxury of choosing sides, because "you can see the bottom".
Just came back from Säuleck 3086m. Spent the night at the Winter Raum in Arthu von Schmid Haus, Ankogelgruppe
For crying out loud, I was hibernating!... Don't you guys ever take a pulse?
by Gary Larson
Oh, man, I really shouldn't have had that coffee in June.
GR 20 is a long distance trail that traverses Corsica diagonally from north to south. It is considered to be the most difficult of all the GR routes and one of the most beautiful mountain trail in Europe. 180 km long with variation in height of about 10 000 meters. Perfect physical condition and confidence in walking over a variety of rugged terrains is necessary.
Cub on the trail to Zavrachitza hut in Rila Mountains, Bulgaria 28 August 2015
Photo by Elena Todorova
Apparently a teddy makes a good companion for an orphaned wallaby*.
* Wallaby is an Australasian marsupial that is similar to, but smaller than, a kangaroo.
This flight will be very pleasant thanks to Dr. Touraj Habashi
O crap, my passport is expired...
Dracula: What am I supposed to do with him, I don't eat beans*.
*Teddy Little Bear is a beanie bear
Two years ago, Wang Kayui, of Yunnan, China, adopted two black bears, except he thought they were puppies. His new pets were frequently groomed and well trained. Kayui, clearly an inexperienced pet owner, thought it was odd when the puppies started to hunt chickens and reached more than 100 pounds, but didn’t think much of it. He wanted two guard dogs, and his pups scared off unwanted visitors like he’d never seen before. You would think that the lack of tail-chasing, barking, and leash-walking should have given away the animals’ true identity, but it wasn’t until he received a pamphlet on endangered animals that he realized that his puppies were actually Asian black bears. Kayui was shocked that his well-behaved, slightly large guard dogs were bears. He did the right thing and called the local authorities. The bears were sent to Yunnan Wild Animal Rescue Center, where they currently reside.
In the region of Kapandriti near Athens, a wonderful thing happens. Ten years ago, a devout beekeeper named Isidoros Ţiminis, thought to place in one of his hives an icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord. Soon thereafter, when he opened the hive, he was amazed that the bees showed respect and devotion to the icon, having "embroidered" it in wax, yet leaving uncovered the face and body of the Lord. Since then, every spring, he puts into the hives icons of the Savior, the Virgin Mary and the Saints, and the result is always the same.
Special gift - car crushing with an Abrams for $3,500, or with a T-55 for $2,500
You can get you wife in the car for a photo before you proceed with the gift.
Radio control airplane inflight HDV movie with Pilot teddy bear. Old airplane kit Super Drifter with 3 gyro. Useing HDV video camera SONY camcorder HDR HC3. A photograph is taken in a mirror from the front. YouTube
This might as well been Teddy Little Bear's last photo. He decided that he wants to be a mountain bear. Here is what happened - a very nice lady in blue stopped while I was shooting this photo and asked about the bears. I told her that they travel, what their names are etc. and she went her way. 5 min later TLB took a plunge into the abyss. He likes to fall head first. But this time there was no hope of retrieval. I froze (in 110°F) and thought - that was it. It ends here and now. Even considered for a moment throwing Tumbago after him to keep him company. Then I heard the lady shouting from 50 below "I got him! I got him!" She is the good news bearer. I will forever be thankful to her, and love her. She had a halo on her head. She was staying on a switchback. First she thought that stones are falling, then, that it is a marmot. She picked him up, dusted the dirt from him and recognized the bear from the photo shoot. On the last two photos of the album I am angry with Teddy Little Bear, and so relieved at the same time.
Each bear cub in a litter can have a different father.
Too much cocaine
Great weekend at Keyhole Canyon and Bristlecome Pine Train with Ron and Julia
Today is Teddy Yellow Bear's initiation in trekking in Rax.
Photo album from Rax, Heukuppe, Heid Steig, Preinerwand Kreuz, Jakobskogel, Törlweg
Bears eat 100% less happy people than sad people
Best friends with Juri the visioner, Emo who likes us in general and drives us to the mountains, and now we found our soulmate Evgeni (aka Yeti) who defies the need of wearing shoes (something we don't have) and has something very precious - beehives.
Definitely not helping my summer figure.
Weight watchers: What do you mean I am not in shape? I am in a perfect ROUND shape.
Nasenweg, our new favorite daily hike. "Nasen" means "noses" and "weg" means "gone" and "away". Suits us perfectly. 1.5 km, 425 m high winding path leading to 12th century castle (Leopold III), unique fauna, flora and view of the Danube.
Guess who the mascot of Vienna is? Elencho doesn't have 3 weeks in Austria yet and has been merchandised already.
A one-week-old foal sleeps soundly in the lap of its new surrogate mum - a jumbo Teddy Bear.
Breeze the bay pony was found abandoned on Dartmoor National Park just a few hours after his birth. Unable to find his mother, the tiny foundling was stumbling hopelessly around the hillside trying to suckle mares. By the time rescuers from a local equine sanctuary had arrived to help, Breeze had collapsed in a state of severe shock and dehydration. YouTube
Life of a stuffed animals is very sedentary and in addition to the excessive screen time called for some restorative exercises. Elencho, the double amputee with bells for feet, was fixed with double adhesive tape to the chin bar. When one of his bells got loose I hurried to make the photo and then at the moment I pressed the shutter the second bell came off and the photo was made with Elencho airborne. Then it downed on me that the prototype for Elencho is Rudolph, the reindeer that lifts Santa sleigh to fly, and that his natural state is to fly. So he is practicing restorative flying.
Elencho was never introduced properly. His name means Little Reindeer in Bulgarian. He maybe little in size but his is the eldest in the company. I first saw him on Christmas at Déjà vu hair salon where I go to Sylvia for a professional intervention in the mess on my head after every trip. He was hanging on a wall, it was love at first sight. He was part of the Christmas decoration and was taken out of the box at Christmas time and then put back where he lived till next Christmas. Nobody remembered where he came from. After seeing him on the wall for four consecutive years this last Christmas I asked to be given to me as a present and I brought him home to the bears.
Descending by size: Indje, Kalina, Tumbago, Seargant Fluffy, Teddy Little Bear, Elencho and the Pilot Teddy Bear is a store for toughies
Where is the casting? We want to be models now.
This is the morning after a 16h hike in Balkan Mountains from Momina poliana hut to Eho hut. Unintentionally I broke my personal record for winter trek. After sunset we walked 5h on headlamps and if it wasn't for somebodies steps we found I don't think it was in our realm of possibilities to find our way to safety in the dark. God works in mysterious ways.
We were smitten by this weekend brought to us by Alextrek. The Majesty of The Nature, but also the people
we made friends with. Life is exceeding our expectations. Amen.
How great it is to share a cup of tea with friends in the mountain. We take it with honey, thank you.