Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria

Comments (1)
15 June 2015, Monday

Bryce Canyon

Teddy Land: Bryce Canyon

Photo album from Bryce Canyon

This might as well been Teddy Little Bear's last photo. He decided that he wants to be a mountain bear. Here is what happened - a very nice lady in blue stopped while I was shooting this photo and asked about the bears. I told her that they travel, what their names are etc. and she went her way. 5 min later TLB took a plunge into the abyss. He likes to fall head first. But this time there was no hope of retrieval. I froze (in 110°F) and thought - that was it. It ends here and now. Even considered for a moment throwing Tumbago after him to keep him company. Then I heard the lady shouting from 50 below "I got him! I got him!" She is the good news bearer. I will forever be thankful to her, and love her. She had a halo on her head. She was staying on a switchback. First she thought that stones are falling, then, that it is a marmot. She picked him up, dusted the dirt from him and recognized the bear from the photo shoot. On the last two photos of the album I am angry with Teddy Little Bear, and so relieved at the same time.

Published at 07:25
Teddy Repus 18-06-2015 02:07 (GMT)
What a harrowing thing to happen to TLB .. and then, rescued! I am sure that Tumbago will treat him even better than before after this.

The exploits of Tumbago and TLB will continue! Thanks for the happy ending.

Love you all,

King Teddy of Tedtopia
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