Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
Grimming is an ultra-peak. In simple words - in order to be ultra, you must stand at least 1500m above everything else around you. Tumbago even put on his leather pants (lederhosen) out of respect and good manners. Teddy Little Bear is the same butt naked punk. We started out at the convenient 8 am. At 10 am a typical alpine old man, with checked shirt, lederhosen and edelweiss on his hat (a badge, the real ones you don't pick) passed us on his way down the commented, "You are very late, the sun is already up", on which we replied "Nothing to worry about, we bring water". And the old man - "Water? What are you talking about? The pub opens in 2 hours". I think I am starting to like this country, I can embrace it as my second homeland. Or maybe it falls as third one. Well see you around, the pubs are opening in 2 hours!