28 November 2014, Friday
Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see

Bear in Flight by Bobby Chiu
Published at 13:58
27 November 2014, Thursday

One day, someone is going to hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will stick back together.
Published at 16:22
19 November 2014, Wednesday

Pooh Bear didn't want to marry, but the thought of Honeymoon was driving him crazy.
Published at 19:55
15 November 2014, Saturday
Some days are like this

Teddy Bear by Ricardo Pertichi
Published at 15:46
6 November 2014, Thursday
This reminds me why Tumbago Bear joined the gang.
Published at 19:09
1 November 2014, Saturday
Back home

Been at the cleaners, pastry and liquor store
Published at 13:26