Currently in Gaishorn, Austria
Tumbago has been modeling for a Bake a Boo cake
I can eat myself too?
Album Großer Pyhrgas 2nd attempt
We welcome in our gang a Siberian white owl (Snowy owl) given to me as a present by Andrey Gusev (Ural local historian) at the Dyatlov foundation on August 11, 2022. During my visit in Yekaterinburg the address of the foundation burned into my memory forever, Pervomayskaya 114, and the closest cross street and bus station are called "Sofya Kovalevskaya". Naturally I checked her out. When Andrey gave me the owl, the name Sofya Kovalevskaya was the first name that came to mind because in Russian owl is "sova". She is going to live with us in the Alps.