Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria

29 March 2016, Tuesday


Teddy Land: Rudolf-Schober-Hütte

Photos from Rudolf-Schober-Hütte

The Mountain of sun, joy and light.
In the valley of the fog, lies the wife and her plight.
Celia S. Friedman

A writing in the hut quotes Celia S. Friedman book "Valley of Fog". In German Tal der Nebel

Am Berg die Sonne, die Freud und das Licht.
Im Tal der Nebel, das Weib und die Pflicht.
translated by Ronald M. Hahn

Планината е слънце, радост и светлина.
В долината са мъглата, жената и тъпота.
мой превод

Published at 09:04
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