Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria

1 January 2013, Tuesday

My New Year's resolution

Teddy Land: Land Rover Defender logo

Land Rover Defender advertising, and a tag line to go with it - Go beyond.

This image captured my imagination with its simplicity and meaning. But the longer I stare into it the more reasons I find to like it. There is only one country in this collage of visas that I have been to, République Française (France), and that's my greatest experience so far, climbing Mont Blanc. I am really looking forward to explore the rest: Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Côte d'Ivoire (or Ivory Coast), Suriname, maybe more that I can't make out. So this is not a one-year resolution. This is how my life should pick up in 2013.

Published at 18:44

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