Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria

7 October 2014, Tuesday

Sarcophagus of Karajía

Teddy Land: Sarcophagus of Karajía, Perú

Serenity. Motionless travel in time, to both past and future. I hope one day I see what they are looking at. The "Purunmachos" seem to enjoy themselves and each other's company in a calm unconditional way. They look like tourists in another world.

Photo album from South America 2014


Teddy Land: Huaraz patung Recuay monoliths, Huaras, Peru
Teddy Land: Patung Lore Lindu, Sulawesi, Indonesia Patungs, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Teddy Land: Sarcophagus of Karajia, Peru Sarcophagus of Karajia, Peru
Teddy Land: Cliff craves, Sulawesi, Indonesia Cliff graves, Toraja, Indonesia

The stone monolytes, now the burial rituals make me think of Sulawesi and Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition inspired by old reports and drawings of Inca rafts, and by native legends and archaeological evidence suggesting contact between South America and Polynesia.

Published at 15:50

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